Open Science for Synthesis: Gulf Research Program Workshop

The primary goal of the Open Science for Synthesis - Gulf Research Program Workshop is to provide hands-on experience with contemporary open science tools from command line to data to communication. Team science is promoted. Practice and real data are used in groups to apply skills we explore.

Matt Jones , Amber Budden , Chris Lortie , Bryce Mecum , Julien Brun

Curriculum at a glance

The primary goal of the 3-week Open Science for Synthesis - Gulf Research Program Workshop is to provide hands-on experience with contemporary open science tools from command line to data to communication. Team science is promoted. Practice and real data are used in groups to apply skills we explore.

Week 1. Fundamental collaboration skills Introduction to command line, communicating science, R, meta-analysis and data management.

Week 2. Advanced topics Tabular data, programming, Python, workflows, reproducible science and metagenomics.

Week 3. Advanced topics & group projects Communication, geospatial analysis, data viz, and group project sharing.


Workshop material:


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