
Lecturer -- Metadata Standards, Data Modeling and Data Semantics

This course introduces graduate students to the reuse and preservation of envrionmental data.

Lecturer -- Analytical Workflows and Scientific Reproducibility

This course introduces graduate students to conceptual organization of workflows as a way to conduct reproducible analyses

Mentor -- UCSB Data Science Capstone project

Promote the use of LTER datasets for teaching Data Science.

NEON Postdoctoral Researchers Onboarding

A self guided learning curricula to support new NEON Postdoctoral Fellows as part of their onboarding experience. The curricula builds from the experience of ecological researchers, trainers, developers and information managers to provide resources and training in support of collaborative, reproducible research practices.

Tools and practices for collaborative, reproducible data science

An introduction to "good enough" practices to create a shared virtual environment allowing you to develop reproducible workflows for your analysis and manage your data.

Efficient virtual collaboration & facilitation for synthesis science

The goal of thos workshop is to strengthen collaboration and facilitation skills in remote meetings for synthesis science using social and technical approaches that you can immediately implement with your tam.

Data Science and Collaboration Skills for Integrative Conservation Science

This training, sponsored by the Science for Nature And People Partnership (SNAPP), aims to bring together the SNAPP and NCEAS postdoctoral associates to foster communities and collaboration, as well as promote scientific computing and open science best practices.

Introduction to rmarkdown

Making your work reproducible with Rmarkdown.

Open Science for Synthesis: Gulf Research Program Workshop

The primary goal of the Open Science for Synthesis - Gulf Research Program Workshop is to provide hands-on experience with contemporary open science tools from command line to data to communication. Team science is promoted. Practice and real data are used in groups to apply skills we explore.

Reproducible Data Visualization using rmarkdown and ggplot2

A short introduction to `rmarkdown` and `ggplot2`

Computational & collaboration skills for integrative conservation science workshop

A 4-day workshop to further develop scientific computing and open science best practices

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