Assignments week 2


Create a GitHub repository to store your codes of assignment 2.1 and 2.2. Use your group project repository for 2.3.

Assignment 2.1 – dataRetrieval

  1. Add the Santa Paula Creek gauge to exercise we did in class
  2. What is the best way to query multiple sites using this R package?
  3. Create a plot showing any stream flow response to the rain of last night (10/04). Determine at what time did the stream flow peaked (if any) at the two locations?

Assignment 2.2 – metajam

Finish the exercise we started during the lab session to use metajam to download the Alaskan household languages data from DataONE:

For rappel:

The data:

  1. Read the metadata
  2. Download the data household_language.csv using metajam
  3. Read the data into R using metajam
  4. Write a piece of code that will compute the percentage of Alaskan household speaking only English for the year 2009 to 2015
  5. Create a plot to visualize this data

For inspiration Here is the code sample we started during the lab:

Push all your codes to a GitHub repository and add me (brunj7) as a collaborator to your repository.

Assignment 2.3 – Use an API to retrieve data for your project

As your group project team:

  1. Based and what we discussed this week, find an API that you could use to retrieve data you are using in your group project.

  2. In your Group project repository, write a script to retrieve the data relying on this API. Don’t forget to capture any information about how you found the data as well as any metadata in the Rmarkdown / jupyter notebook so an external user can understand the data set(s) and track their source / data provider.

Due date:

Wed 10/13/2021 at 12PM (Noon)