Uploading things to a server

You have several options to upload files to the server. Some are more convenient if you have few files, like RStudio interface, some are more built for uploading a lot of files at one, like specific software… and you guessed it the CLI :)


You can only upload one file at the time (you can zip a folder to trick it):

sFTP Software

An efficient protocol to upload files is FTP (File Transfer Protocol). The s stands for secured. Any software supporting those protocols will work to transfer files.

We recommend the following free software:


The scp command is another convenient way to transfer a single file or directory using the CLI. You can run it from Taylor or from your local computer. Here is the basic syntax:

scp /source/path hostname:/path/to/destination/

Here is an example of my uploading the file 10min-loop.R to Taylor from my laptop. The destination directory on Taylor is /Users/brun/:

scp 10min-loop.R brun@taylor.bren.ucsb.edu:/Users/brun/

BTW try to open and run that script for fun!!

If you want to upload an entire folder, you can add the -r option to the command. The general syntax is:

scp -r /path/to/source-folder user@server:/path/to/destination-folder/

Here is an example uploading all the images in the myplot folder

scp -r myplot brun@taylor.bren.ucsb.edu:/Users/brun/plots

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