Getting data in a programmatic way

Day 3

Time (PST) Activity
10:00am - 11:00am Introduction to APIs (50min)
11:00am - 11:10am Break (10 min)
11:10am - 12:30am APIs hands-on (80 min)
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch (60 min)
1:30pm - 2:00pm Introduction to the group project (30 min)
2:00pm - 4:00pm Group Projects (120min)

Getting Data

The manual way

Using website to retrieve data is great interactive way to search and explore data of interest. Let’s start our day by searching some data on the data repository DateONE:

In case you need some inspiration, look at this dataset about historic precipitation in Alaska:

The programmatic way

Although discovering data through a web interface is convenient and offers a great experience, it is often hard to scale this approach or to integrate it into a reproducible workflow.


Hands-on – APIs


Group project

Group project

Bren School logo

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This website was made with quarto by Posit.