Working on a remote server

Day 2

Time (PST) Activity
10:00am - 10:50am Working on a remote server Server (50 min)
10:50am - 11:00am Break (10 min)
11:00am - 12:30am Command line (50 min)
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch (60 min)
1:30pm - 3:00pm Automating things with bash (90min)
3:00pm - 3:10pm Break (10 min)
3:10pm - 4:00pm Uploading things to a server (30 min)

Working on a remote server

CERN computing center

Learning Objectives

In this lesson, you will learn:

  • How to connect to a remote server
  • Get familiar with RStudio server
  • Get an introduction to the command line (CLI) & bash

Why working on a remote machine?

Often the main motivation is to scale your analysis beyond what a personal computer can handle. R being pretty memory intensive, moving to a server often provides you more RAM and thus allows to load larger data in R without the need of slicing your data into chunks. But there are also other advantages, here are the main for scientist:

  • Power: More CPUs/Cores (24/32/48), More RAM (256/384GB)
  • Capacity: More disk space and generally faster storage (in highly optimized RAID arrays)
  • Security: Data are spread across multiple drives and have nightly backups
  • Collaboration: shared folders for code, data, and other materials; same software versions

=> The operating system is more likely going to be Linux!!

More on this in a few minutes

Unix and Friends


RStudio Server


The Command Line Interface (CLI)


Automating things with bash


Collaborating on a server


Uploading files to a server


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